Competitor Research Package

1.500 $

Learn more about your competitors in China

Competitor Research in China
No matter your industry – knowing your competitors is essential to stay ahead of the game and to do better in terms of pricing, quality, service, or any other aspect that makes your business unique. In China, this can prove challenging with language and cultural barriers. Let the China experts at China Gravy handle the competitor research aspect for you, enrich our findings with our extensive experience in the Chinese market, and provide you with recommendations to take your business to the next level in the Middle Kingdom.


  • Based on your company profile, we analyze the top 10-15 competitors in China for your brand (website/social/online research, background information, search metrics, etc.)
  • We create a clear overview of our findings, enrich it with our extensive China experience, and provide practical recommendations for your brand
Are you curious what your competition in the Middle Kingdom is up to? Find out with China Gravy’s practical competitor analysis.

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